Monday, April 26, 2010

The Most Effective Tap Water Purifier For Your Money

Let me give you some short ideas about what are the difference between water purifiers and water filter. Both of devices are meant for treating water. Water purifiers can remove smallest disease causing bacteria that are in the water such as E. coli, Cholera, and Salmonella where this kind of bacteria can get through water filters.Not only that, water purifiers retains the sweet taste of the fresh water.

It removes the foul taste odors of the water and chemicals that is in the water. It also removes microbial contaminations. These Purifiers have what water filters have and what is more amazing purifiers are that it retains the mineral and traces of elements in the water which is necessary for your health.While water filters get rid of the chemicals and it removes or filters the water disinfectant such as chlorine and other chlorine resistant parasites.

Under Sink Water Purifier

It also removes the foul odor, taste and some chemicals but this depend on the filtration technology used. Filters cannot eliminate the viruses which are the smallest micro organism only purifier can do that. Now since you know the difference between the purifier and filter, it is now your choice which one you want to be installed in your house.Under sink purifiers have lots of different sizes with different brands you need to choose.

There are also portable water purifier that you can bring anywhere you go. If you want a smaller size of water purifier under your sink to install, there is. Even how small your space under your sink, you can have it. All you have to do is to shop around to find your desired water purifier.What is more important is to change the filter every 3 or 6 months or whatever desired number of months that is written in the manual.

You can have every sink on your house installed by under sink water purifier if you want or need it. What is the advantage of having under sink purifier is that, you and your family are safe whenever you drink the water from the faucet sink. Mostly people when they are thirsty or want to drink water, they go directly to the kitchen sink where they can find the faucet and have a glass of water. Even your visitors also do that, seems it's an instinct move.

Uncover the Truth About Home Made Water Purifiers

Get the cheaper under sink purifier, all you have to do is to roam around to shop. Compare the price of each brand and the features of their water purifier for under sink. Although there are also well known branded but still you need to shop to get the lowest price. Got no time to shop around, there is an easy way. You can shop online now through the internet. You can explore the different sites where under sink water purifier is offered.

You can compare easily and you can even purchase through the net if you want. Easy to compare the different sizes, prices, style of the water purifier under sink.Now it is time for you to decide which is more advantageous to you and your family in term of water devices you need for your home.
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Best Water Purifiers - Choose in 2 Easy Steps

It goes without saying that using a home water purifier is the safest, most economical way to have clean, delicious drinking water in your home. However, with so many different water filter models and makers available, it can be hard to find which product will be best for you. Here are two easy steps to choosing the best water purifier for you and your family.

1. Find your volume: the recommended amount of drinking water for the average adult is 8 glasses per day, or about one half gallon. Some people will drink well over this, but most of us drink far less! In either case, this should be your target amount.

Based on the number of people living in your home, find out how much drinking water your household will consume per day. An easy way to estimate this is to average 4 gallons per person per week (this gives you a cushion for guests as well as those really thirsty days). Apply this number to step 2.

2. Choosing Your Purifier: Based on your weekly consumption, here are my recommendations:

4-8 Gallons/week: Refrigerator Pitcher. For low volume use, a water filter pitcher in your refrigerator will ensure that you have cold, refreshing water available to you without adding any hardware to your kitchen.

Most pitcher models hold 4-5 quarts, so you will only need to refill the container once a day or every other day. Also, these purifiers are relatively cheap, with many good models in the $20-$40 price range.

8-15 Gallons/week: Faucet Attachment Filter: Although they may be deemed unsightly, faucet attachment filters offer a very economical option for households with several people. The main advantage of the faucet attachment over the refrigerator pitcher is filter lifespan.

Most faucet attachment purifiers can filter around 100 gallons of drinking water before needing a filter replacement, while most refrigerator pitchers need a filter replaced every 40-50 gallons. These purifiers are only slightly more expensive than the pitcher models, usually in the $30-$70 range.

More Than 15 Gallons/week: Under-Sink or Reverse-Osmosis System. For households that will be going through a lot of drinking water every week, a larger water filter system is the best option. Although these purifier systems are in a completely different price range compared to the pitcher and faucet options, the more expensive system will pay for itself in volume over time.

Remember, these are only recommendations. As long as your water purifier removes chlorine and harmful bacteria, it is ultimately a matter of preference. The best water purifier is the one that gets used, so don't buy something that you don't want.

Congratulations, you are on your way to having clean, affordable drinking water available to you and your family!
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